What is Capital Cost Allowance and How Does it Impact Your Business
Frequently a client of mine will purchase a high ticket item such as a computer or a piece of furniture and will simply show it as an expense on their profit and loss. Since you purchased something that relates to your business, it should be considered to be a deduction and classified as an expenses.
Unfortunately, accountants and revenue agencies do not see it this way. From their perspective, an item that is purchased for a business, whose value extends beyond one year, is actually an asset that should be depreciated over the useful life of the asset. In other words, the expense that you can claim for the asset is only the portion of the asset that is used in the year that you claim it.
While accountants refer to the amount of the asset that is expensed each year as depreciation, Revenue Canada refers to this as capital cost allowance or CCA.

How to Pay Dividends: Completing the T5 Slip and Summary
If you are the owner of a Canadian corporation, you can choose to pay yourself (and other shareholders) dividends instead of a salary. Alternatively, some shareholders also take dividends in addition to a salary depending on their tax planning strategy. If you do decide to pay yourself dividends, it is important to ensure that you prepare the proper documentation for Revenue Canada (CRA) and if you live in Quebec, Revenue Quebec (MRQ) since this must be reported as investment income on your personal tax return in the calendar year in which the dividends are paid. If you are paying dividends to a Canadian shareholder, you must issue a T5 slip while non resident shareholders receive an NR4 slip. The T5 dividend slips are generally due by February 28th of the calendar year following the year in which the dividend was paid Although no income taxes are due at the time of filing the T5 slips with the government, interest and penalties apply for late filing . The process of submitting preparing and submitting the dividend declarations and the documents that need to be filled out and returned to the CRA and MRQ are discussed below:

Know Your Small Business Tax Deadlines In 2025
As we approach the new year, it is time to start thinking about a subject near and dear to your heart i.e. taxes (insert appropriate emoji).
Below are the deadlines that all small businesses need to know for 2025.

Is the Quick Method of Reporting GST/HST & QST the Right Choice for your Small Business
If you are self employed or a small business with annual sales between $30,000 and $400,000, it might make sense to select the Quick Method of reporting your GST/HST and QST, which is essentially a simplified method of reporting sales taxes . While regular reporting of sales taxes requires that you calculate all amounts collected and paid on eligible expenses, the quick method (or simplified method as it is also referred to)requires the application of a single reduced rate to your sales while GST/HST and QST paid on expenses is not deductible. The key details of the Quick Method and its suitability for your business are discussed below:

What Small Business Owners Need to Know About Income Tax Instalments
Transitioning from being a full time employee to small business ownership or self employment means that you need to cultivate self discipline. You can no longer rely on your employer to take care of business functions that do not relate to your job ,and must take a much more active role in ensuring that you remain on top of your obligations whether it is collecting payments from customers, paying bills or ensuring that you do not run afoul of Revenue Canada. One of these obligations requires that you calculate and pay the full amount of your income taxes when you file your income tax return, rather than having your employer remit deductions from your paycheck directly. In addition to having to calculate and pay your income tax, once you exceed a certain income threshold, you are also required to pay income tax and sales tax instalments.

What Unincorporated Small Business Owners Need to Know about Filing Their Taxes
Being a small business owner comes with challenges, not the least of which is doing your taxes. While most Canadian taxpayers have relatively simple tax returns that can easily be completed using software, small business owners have the additional burden of reporting details relating to their businesses. This can seem onerous, but understanding what needs to be done, and when, can significantly help reduce the stress and ensure that the tax filing process is smooth and straightforward.
One of the types of income on which you pay income taxes is what Revenue Canada (CRA) refers to as “income from self-employment” that is essentially the same as income from a small business. If you do have business income, then you are required to declare your business income on a tax return. As an unincorporated small business owner, this business income is reflected on a separate schedule on your personal tax return. The schedule is called a T2125, which is a “statement of business activities” (discussed below) and at minimum requires that you show any income you earned from a business venture. If you have incurred expenses to earn the business income, you may also deduct these from your gross revenues or sales to arrive at net income from business. Unlike a simple personal tax return with no business income, the information that must be reported on a T2125 is generally not simply provided to you on a tax slip, such as a T4 or T5, but must be compiled and calculated.

Tax Obligations Every Canadian Small Business Should Know
It is therefore prudent for both sole proprietorships and incorporated businesses to keep on top of their tax filings.
In this article I enumerate the tax obligations for most small businesses in Canada along with links to articles to help you understand each one better.

Essential Facts about Shareholder Loans for Incorporated Small Business Owners
There are three primary ways in which you, as an owner-manager, can withdraw funds from your corporation. You can pay yourself a salary, you can declare a dividend or you can borrow money from the corporation. When you borrow money from your own corporation the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) has put into place strict rules as to when you have to repay the loan to ensure that the owner-manager does not avoid paying taxes indefinitely.

What Types of Advertising/Marketing Expenses Can Small Businesses Deduct?
In the past advertising for small business owners mostly involved ads for print, television or radio (a catchy jingle was always a good way to go), cold calling (rarely a pleasant experience), sending out flyers or courting potential customers at a conference. Unfortunately, these types of advertising were problematic in that it is difficult to gage the direct impact of their effectiveness. Additionally, they were often fairly costly, which can especially difficult for small business owners to afford.
Over the past few years the avenues for advertising have grown exponentially. Many types of advertising don’t even cost anything, except time. You can buy ads on numerous social media outlets that appeal to your target market or if you want to go the free route, you can set up a social media account, post regularly and build an audience. Alternatively, you can set up a website which you can then optimize so that google and other search engines display it when someone is looking for your product or service. Email newsletters are also another effective and direct way of reaching potential buyers. One of the great benefits of these types of advertising is that you are better able to monitor the effectiveness of your chosen strategy.

How to Change Your Personal Tax Return After It Has Been Filed
Revenue Canada recommends that you should wait to receive your notice of assessment (NOA) before filing an amended return. Once you receive your NOA, you should review it to verify if the error or omission has been reflected on the assessment. If not, then you would proceed with submitting the amendment. Luckily, you are not required to redo your entire return; rather you just need to submit details regarding the specific changes. There are several ways in which you can file an amended return.

Should New Business Owners Register for GST/HST?
The Goods and Services Tax or GST is a consumption tax that is charged on most goods and services sold within Canada, regardless of where your business is located. Subject to certain exceptions, all businesses are required to charge GST , currently at 5%, plus applicable provincial sales taxes. A business effectively acts as an agent for Revenue Canada by collecting the taxes and remitting them on a periodic basis. Businesses are also permitted to claim the taxes paid on expenses incurred that relate to their business activities. These are referred to as Input Tax Credits.

Make Your Taxes Easier with this Detailed Checklist
The deadline to file tax returns is quickly approaching, resulting in various degrees anxiety for some taxpayers and accountants. The good news is that the stress can be managed fairly easily with some simple organization techniques. The most effective starting point is to evaluate your tax situation and prepare a checklist of the documentation that you will need with respect to your specific tax situation. A checklist can help to ensure that important items are not overlooked in the rush to put everything together (and, of course, its always satisfying to cross something off the list).

Guidance on Deducting Home Office Expenses
One of the benefits of having a home based business (for freelancers, self employed contractors and small business owners) is that you can deduct the expenses relating to the space that you use to work. This can result in a reduction in your tax bill for costs that you would incur regardless, which is certainly an incentive to being your own boss.
Criteria for Deductibility:
For home office expenses to be deductible, they have to meet the following criteria:
It has to be your principal place of business i.e. you cannot deduct home office expenses if you have another office that relates to your business, elsewhere, even if you work 22 hours a day or you check your blackberry in bed.
The space designated as your home office is used to earn business income and/or you meet clients or customers on a regular basis. You can deduct expenses relating to the workspace in your garage which is used for home improvement projects.

Are Clothing and Other Personal Attire Costs Tax Deductible?
Whether an expense is quite clear for the majority of expenses – salaries paid to employees, office rent, manufacturing supplies etc. , there are a handful of expenses that are more ambiguous. One of the more notable (and often asked) examples of this type of expense relate to personal attire including clothing, shoes and other personal maintenance costs (haircuts, beauty products etc)

How to Stay on Top of Your Tax Obligations
As an accountant I frequently receive panicked calls from business owners who have received ominous letters from the tax authorities requesting that overdue tax returns be immediately filed. Others receive notices of assessments for estimated taxes payable if they have an overdue tax return. Revenue Quebec, particularly will often send corporations or individuals assessment for several thousand dollars to scare people into filing their returns. In more extreme circumstances, the tax authorities have the power to freeze your bank accounts or initiate tax audits. This can be debilitating to a small business.