Two (and a Half) Options for Claiming Employee Home Office Expenses in 2020
Covid-19, Regulatory/Legal, Personal Finance Ronika Khanna Covid-19, Regulatory/Legal, Personal Finance Ronika Khanna

Two (and a Half) Options for Claiming Employee Home Office Expenses in 2020

As numerous employees shifted from their offices to their homes, Revenue Canada (CRA) and accountants were deluged with questions about how they could claim home office expenses. To stave off the complaints and questions, CRA decided to introduce a simplified method of claiming a tax deduction. It should be noted that employees have always been allowed to claim expenses relating to their employment as long as their employers completed and signed form T2200. The information from this form would then be entered on Schedule T777. The issue for this year is that filling out the form and completing the schedule is a somewhat tedious process and does not fit all employees’ who worked from home as a result of Covid imposed restrictions.

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7 Lesser Know Facts About RRSPs
Investing, Personal Finance Ronika Khanna Investing, Personal Finance Ronika Khanna

7 Lesser Know Facts About RRSPs

It is the time of year when everyone adult Canadian should be thinking about investing into their registered retirement savings plan (RRSP) prior to the deadline of March 1st. Many of you might think that you are young and have time or conversely that you are older and it’s too late. The truth is that it is never too early or late to start a RRSP. You simply need to set a goal and start doing it.

The great benefit of investing in RRSPs, which is the single best tax optimization strategy available to all Canadians, is that it reduces the amount of income taxes that you will have to pay. The tax savings is based on your marginal tax rate. Since everyone’s income is allocated to different tax brackets as your income increases, the marginal tax rate represents the highest tax bracket which applies to the top portion of your income.

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Why Every Canadian Should File a Personal Tax Return
Personal Finance, Regulatory/Legal Ronika Khanna Personal Finance, Regulatory/Legal Ronika Khanna

Why Every Canadian Should File a Personal Tax Return

A friend of mine has been in a nightmare scenario with CRA. She hadn’t filed her tax return in a few years mostly because she had one T4, figured that she didn’t owe any tax and was simply procrastinating on an unenjoyable task. In 2020 she receive a notice of assessment from CRA indicating that she owed several thousand dollars, with no additional details except that they had added $25k to her actual income earned. Over the past year, she has called them numerous times to get an explanation and each time she is told that the file is being escalated and someone will get back to her. To date nobody has gotten back to her. To make matters worse, CRA passed this information i.e. additional income on to Revenue Quebec (without any details) which resulted in a significant assessment from them. She still has no idea why she was assessed this amount and is now in the unenviable position of calling both revenue agencies on a weekly basis to manage the situation.

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Information on Filing T4s/RL-1s and T4As for Small Business Owners
Self Employed, Small Business, Business Tax Ronika Khanna Self Employed, Small Business, Business Tax Ronika Khanna

Information on Filing T4s/RL-1s and T4As for Small Business Owners

When I was employee, I never really gave much thought to the T4 (and the Quebec equivalent RL-1) process. I knew that sometime around February an envelope would appear on my desk with a tax document which I would need to reflect on my tax return. I suppose I thought that someone, somewhere pressed a button and the T4s were generated. When I became a small business accountant, who was now either responsible for preparing this information or providing guidance to my clients, I realized that the process was somewhat more complicated.

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Know Your Small Business Tax Deadlines For 2022

Know Your Small Business Tax Deadlines For 2022

With the beginning of a new year upon us, tax submission deadlines for individuals and businesses are starting to loom. Every small business owner must adhere to these deadlines or risk facing penalties for late filing of returns plus interest on any overdue balances. Knowing these deadlines can help you ensure that you don’t simply waste your hard earned money and run afoul of CRA and RQ. I have compiled a list of deadlines for all unincorporated small business owners which includes sole proprietors and self employed individuals.

Note that the usual deadline for sales tax (GST/HST and QST) payments and income tax returns is April 30th. However, since this falls on a Saturday, the deadline is pushed to Monday, May 2nd, 2022.

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21 Gift Ideas to Make Any Small Business Owner Happy
Ronika Khanna Ronika Khanna

21 Gift Ideas to Make Any Small Business Owner Happy

Most of us know at least one small business owner or entrepreneur who maintains an unconventional work schedule, is physically attached to their laptop, sees every get together as a networking opportunity and/or enjoys passionate discussions about spreadsheets.  For many business owner, gifts that make their working lives easier and workspaces more efficient (and cozier) are often greatly appreciated since so much of their time is often spent immersed in their businesses.  The list of gift ideas below, many of which are fairly inexpensive, may help to toggle some inspiration for the small business owner that you know: 

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How to determine if your business idea Is profitable

How to determine if your business idea Is profitable

I have spoken to and mentored many lovely entrepreneurs who have wonderfully innovative ideas for a new business. But, as any business owner can attest to, starting a new business is hard work. Before even thinking about launching, you need to ensure that the business is actually viable. You do this by assessing your market, reviewing potential demand for your product and analyzing the competition. Once you have done this, you then need to ensure that your business can be profitable.

In order to determine profitability, you need to understand both the pricing of your products and/or services and the relevant costs. This can be difficult to do especially when you don’t have any history. Your only choice is to estimate based on the best information available. In this article, I give you some guidance on the financial information that you need to compile.

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Improve Your Small Business Cash Flow with These 10 Tips
Cash Flow, Accounting Ronika Khanna Cash Flow, Accounting Ronika Khanna

Improve Your Small Business Cash Flow with These 10 Tips

One of the biggest challenges for many small business owners, particularly in the initial and growth stage, is ensuring that they maintain sufficient cash flow. Many businesses with great potential have suffered an untimely demise due to their inability to pay their suppliers, employees and revenue agencies. In many cases, this can be prevented through a better understanding of your small business’ cash flow requirements and making sure that you implement relevant processes that can handle cash flow issues as they arise.

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What Are Bank Reconciliations and Why Every Business Should Do Them
Accounting, Quickbooks, Self Employed, Small Business Ronika Khanna Accounting, Quickbooks, Self Employed, Small Business Ronika Khanna

What Are Bank Reconciliations and Why Every Business Should Do Them

Many small business and self employed owners take on the responsibility of doing their own accounting. You may do all of your own accounting from set up to preparing your own small business tax return OR you may have an accountant who simply takes care of your year end and tax reporting. Accounting software has made doing your own accounting much simpler and allows for most business owners to do it, regardless of whether they have some sort of accounting background. There is however a learning curve and certain accounting steps that not everyone is aware of and that are very important to ensure the accuracy of your books. One of these is are bank reconciliations.

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3 Tools that allow you to Remotely Connect to your Computer from Anywhere
Self Employed, Small Business, Technology Ronika Khanna Self Employed, Small Business, Technology Ronika Khanna

3 Tools that allow you to Remotely Connect to your Computer from Anywhere

The past few years, and especially the last year has changed the way many business owners and employees work. There has been a mass adoption of virtual workspaces where people are no longer tethered to their offices. Instead the technology to make working from anywhere has increased and improved significantly and is accessible by anyone who has a working internet connection. Business can be conducted from your home, an airport, a café or (if you are lucky) on the beach.

While many software, apps and programs are available in the cloud and can directly be accessed directly from your computer or smartphone internet browser, there are times when you need access to your actual desktop or another computer so that you can access the programs and data files that reside there. Luckily, there are numerous tools out there that allow small business owners to remotely connect to their computers . Three of these are discussed below:

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18 Accounting Terms that every new business owner should know.
Accounting Ronika Khanna Accounting Ronika Khanna

18 Accounting Terms that every new business owner should know.

When starting a new business, you will be subjected to a variety of financial jargon. This can come from your bank, Revenue Canada or Revenue Quebec, suppliers, customers and various other business partners. If you are unfamiliar with this terminology, these requests which are often quite straightforward, can become stressful if you are not exactly sure what they mean. It is important, therefore, to arm yourself with at least a basic vocabulary of the most common financial and accounting terminology that will give you a better understanding of your business and therefore be well equipped to answer any questions that come your way.

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8 Inexpensive Ways to Market Your Services
Marketing, Self Employed, Small Business Ronika Khanna Marketing, Self Employed, Small Business Ronika Khanna

8 Inexpensive Ways to Market Your Services

One of the most daunting aspects of starting a new small service based business is building a client base (and nothing is quite so exciting as getting those first few clients). When trying to generate new business, it is important to cast a wide net as you never know where potential clients may be lurking. Once you have established your business, you will discover the methods that work best for you and you can finesse your marketing strategy. You can also choose to be more selective as you determine which type of client is the best fit for your business.

There are many ways to build a client base, even with limited resources, some of which are discussed below:

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Tax Deductions vs Tax Credits and 5 Tax Deductions to Help Reduce Your Tax Bill
Personal Finance Ronika Khanna Personal Finance Ronika Khanna

Tax Deductions vs Tax Credits and 5 Tax Deductions to Help Reduce Your Tax Bill

Most taxpayers use the terms tax deduction and tax credit interchangeably. Since they are not accountants, this is perfectly fine unless you are particular about precision and strive for a greater understanding of tax. And while there a numerous technicalities and jargon in tax that are better left to tax professionals, this particular distinction is fairly straightforward , can useful to understand and might even save you some tax.

So, what is the difference? A tax deduction is a reduction of your net income on which your taxes payable are based, while a tax credit is a direct reduction of your taxes payable. These might sound very similar, but their impact on how much tax you pay is different. Since there are different tax brackets, a tax deduction results in a reduction of your taxes payable effectively at the highest tax bracket to which your income applies, while a tax credit (for simplicity we are only talking about the federal portion and not provincial) will only reduce your taxes by 15%, which corresponds to the lowest tax bracket. While this can get significantly more complicated, suffice it to say, if your income exceeds approximately $50k, tax deductions have a higher value i.e. they reduce your taxes by a greater amount than a tax credit since part of the $50k will be taxed based on a higher tax bracket.

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Tax Return Checklist for Individuals and Unincorporated Business Owners

Tax Return Checklist for Individuals and Unincorporated Business Owners

The deadline to file tax returns is starting to loom large, resulting in anxiety for some individuals and small business owners. The good news is that the stress can be managed fairly easily with some simple organization techniques. The best starting point is to evaluate your tax situation and prepare a checklist of all the documentation that you will need with respect to your specific tax situation. A checklist can help reduce (or eliminate) important items that might get forgotten in the rush to put everything together (and its always satisfying to cross something off the list). I have compiled a list of some of the more common income, deductions and credits that the majority of taxpayers are likely to have:

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Consider These Factors When Deciding Whether to Take Salary or Dividends
Business Tax, Small Business Ronika Khanna Business Tax, Small Business Ronika Khanna

Consider These Factors When Deciding Whether to Take Salary or Dividends

One of the most common questions I get asked by corporate business owners is whether to take salary or dividends and how much tax can be saved by taking only dividends. The answer unfortunately, like most issues relating to tax, is that it depends on your circumstances. The concept of integration in the Canadian tax system theoretically strives to make taxes payable the same whether you take salary or dividends or a combination of both. In reality, there is always a difference as everyone’s tax situation is distinct.

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