The William Shatner Guide to Business Diversification
I recently spent “an evening with William Shatner” in Montreal , courtesy of a Groupon deal which offered tickets at less than half of the face price. Not being a trekkie or a rabid fan, I was not intimately familiar with his body of work. I had however seen enough of him to know that he was a funny and charismatic man, so I was interested to see what an “evening” with him would entail.
The show, which was 3 hours long (far exceeding my expectations) had the 80 year old Shatner recounting carefully selected stories about his past, while an interviewer occasionally prodded and guided him. Mr. Shatner did not disappoint – he was self-deprecating, eloquent and entertaining. And, while the stories were meant to reflect positively on his life, his career and choices were also indicative of an extremely ambitious individual who had spent a lifetime seizing opportunities. The results of his attitude of saying “Yes”, which he is trying to inspire in others through his show and latest book "Shatner Rules", have contributed to a fascinating, multi-faceted career and, perhaps unexpectedly, have led to a very diverse set of properties and holdings, some of which include:
What to Do When your Tax Obligations are Overdue
The Many Hats of Self Employment
Being self employed comes with many benefits. You can sleep in, work in your pyjamas and go shopping in the middle of the day. You no longer have to report to a boss who doesn't really understand what you do or deal with mindless workplace politics. It all sounds wonderful, but unfortunately there are also many challenges. Small business owners have to deal with uncertainty and risk. They need to be disciplined and deal with the many demands that being self employed can impose upon us. In the early stages of self employment, most of us have to take on the responsiblity of fulfilling the administrative functions that you find in a more established business. Some of the skills that you need to develop are:
What Happened to Quebec Property Tax Refund?/ Preparing the RL31 and the solidarity tax credit
UPDATE: Beginning with the year ended December 31, 2015 landlords are required to provide tenants with an RL 31 slip which indicates the name of the tenant, the number of tenants at a particular address as well as the address of the tenant. Each individual listed on the lease must be issued an RL 31. Deadline for filing the form is February 28th following the year of residence and is only issued to tenants living at a particular dwelling December 31, 2019. The forms can be filed online through Revenue Quebec and is a fairly straightforward process. Failure to file the form by the landlord can result in a penalty. The form is then required to be used by the tenant to claim the portion of the solidarity tax credit relating to residence.
For Quebec taxpayers who have been trying to locate their RL-4 slips, the slip that your landlord usually provides, or the part on the tax forms or software where you would enter your property taxes (Schedule B), be advised that as of 2011, that this is no longer a specific tax credit. Prior to 2011, both property owners and renters could claim a portion of property taxes paid. This reduced income taxes payable for taxpayers whose total family income was under approximately $50k
What Small Business Owners Should Know about Leasing vs Buying their Car, Corporate Ownership of Vehicles and Deducting Car Expenses
It's Bad Business to Let the Killer Get Away With It: The Sam Spade Guide to Better Business
Sam Spade, the hard edged protagonist of The Maltese Falcon, is in some ways the quintessential small business owner. He is a private detective (or dick if you prefer) with an office, a partner, a secretary and a network that would make a social media climber swoon. As a small business owner he takes on the risks of running a business and enjoys the rewards. He sets his own prices which vary significantly depending on the client and the job. (Recovering the Maltese Falcon is worth thousands, while searching for someone’s sister is worth considerably less). And despite his womanizing and wayward ways, he also embodies qualities that would behoove business owners to emulate.
9 Psychological Traits that Affect Our Investing and Business Decisions
Modern portfolio theory assumes that we are rational investors and invest only in efficient and optimal portfolios that provide the maximum return for minimum risk. The truth (as posited by Behavioural Economists) is that we far from rational and are subject to a myriad of psychological influences and behaviours that prevent us from not only making optimal investment or business decisions, but can in some cases turn us into morons. We buy and hold too long or buy and sell too quickly; we refuse to accept losses assuming that we will recover our money or we sell losing investments way too soon; we are overconfident about our own abilities or place too much trust in “experts”; we maintain the status quo and do nothing or we change things too frequently. The dichotomies of investing behaviour are numerous and fascinating and have lead to creation of field of study referred to as Behavioural Ecomomics. Each of these behaviours also has a tremendous impact on our business decisions and are discussed below:
5 Income Tax Tips from the Trenches
It is the time of year when many accountants and tax preparers live, breathe, eat and sleep taxes (leaving very little time to write about them!). And while much of it is routine, there are numerous issues that arise, the treatment for which is not immediately apparent and can actually be quite interesting (perhaps more so to a tax nerd), some of which are compiled below:
Invest in RRSPs or Repay your Mortgage?
Breaking Up with a (Likeable) Client
Many of us have clients who are annoying, cheap, stupid , high maintenance or some combination thereof. As a new business owner, we are often stuck with these clients because we need them. However, we look forward to the day when we will have the thriving business that we so deserve, and fantasize about the spectacular way in which are going to fire them (you can shove your business into your rear orifice etc.) This is actually a productive fantasy as can help to channel and concentrate anger. Of course, in the majority of cases, a firing should be conducted with slightly less vigour.
Last Minute Guidance and Information for Tax Filers
Small Business Survival Statistics and 9 Steps to Improve Your Chances of Sticking Around
The temptation to start a small business or venture into self employment can be strong particularly for those who are unhappy with their existing employment situation. The freedom and flexibility that being your own boss seems to offer can be seductive, as is the potential for growth which you, as the business owner, can have full control over. You may have an idea or a particular skill that you believe is desirable to a specific target market and you are confident that once this target market is aware of your existence they will all be banging down your door. Consequently, you start your business by offering an amazing product or services, only to realize that building up a customer base is more challenging than you thought. Additionally, there are a number of other obstacles for which you do not have the expertise (done by another department when you were an employee) whether it is marketing, website development, legal research and accounting. Finally, you realize that you actually need a fairly sizable source of cash to maintain the business, deal with growth opportunities, whilst ensuring that you are able to support yourself.
CJAD Finance Segment with Tommy Schnurmacher – Everything You Want to Know about Small Business
3 Invoicing Options for Small Businesses and Freelancers
If you are running a business of any size, it is essential that you have a system in place that allows you to get paid. A system can range in sophistication from a handwritten receipt to a software generated invoice which is part of an entity wide CRM system. To meet this need there are countless invoicing solutions available and many billions of dollars are spent annually on setting up systems to meet each business’ unique needs.
Almost all accounting software geared to small business owners and freelancers have built-in invoicing modules that integrate with your accounting. This is very useful when doing your books as you don’t have to worry about entering your invoicing manually and it allows you to track your accounts receivable and deposits into your bank account. There are also invoicing solutions that are not full-fledged accounting systems; however they usually integrate with the more popular software.