7 Qualities of Highly Desirable Clients
When you are a business owner/freelancer, there is wonderful feeling of gratification when you land a great client. These are clients that ask great questions, respect our work and make us feel happy to have chosen the entrepreneurial route. Then there are the not so great clients who have unrealistic expectations, are unimaginative and often just plain clueless.
It should also go without saying that we must also do what it takes to be provide an excellent experience to our clients and customers. It is not dissimilar from being in a relationship with a partner or spouse and for both sides to get the most out of it, you as the service provider, must also be responsive, respectful, fair and transparent.

Should New Business Owners Register for GST/HST?
The Goods and Services Tax or GST is a consumption tax that is charged on most goods and services sold within Canada, regardless of where your business is located. Subject to certain exceptions, all businesses are required to charge GST , currently at 5%, plus applicable provincial sales taxes. A business effectively acts as an agent for Revenue Canada by collecting the taxes and remitting them on a periodic basis. Businesses are also permitted to claim the taxes paid on expenses incurred that relate to their business activities. These are referred to as Input Tax Credits.

8 Inexpensive Ways to Market Your Services
One of the most daunting aspects of starting a new small service based business is building a client base (and nothing is quite so exciting as getting those first few clients). When trying to generate new business, it is important to cast a wide net as you never know where potential clients may be lurking. Once you have established your business, you will discover the methods that work best for you and you can finesse your marketing strategy. You can also choose to be more selective as you determine which type of client is the best fit for your business.
There are many ways to build a client base, even with limited resources, some of which are discussed below:

24 Cost Effective Ways to Promote Your Small Business
After thinking long and hard you have decided that is time to launch your own business. You have a great product or service, you’ve come up with a compelling business name, all the paperwork has been filed and you have picked out the perfect location (or setup a snazzy new home office). All pieces are in place for your new independent life as a business owner. And then you realize that nobody except your spouse, family members and possibly your cat knows about your new venture. So, how do you bring your fabulous new product or service to your target market's attention? One way is to use the “build it and they will come” approach. This is usually not particularly effective (even Google, who historically launches products with little fanfare, could benefit from a little more marketing). The other, more effective approach is to get out there and promote your business. Of course in the initial stages, marketing budgets tend to be minuscule. On the other hand, many new business owners have time on their hands, while they wait to be deluged by orders. Below is a list of 24 cost effective ways to promote your small business:

4 Metrics to Help Improve Your Small Business Cash Flow
n a recent study by TD Bank Financial Group it was determined that one of the primary challenges facing small business was cash flow (The other two were managing clients and government red tape). This probably comes as no surprise to most small business owners, especially in the early stages. The simple answer to this problem would be a limitless source of cash. Since this is usually not possible, we need to do the next best thing: analyze our cash flow requirements and find the most cost effective and easily available solution for any shortfalls. Even the most successful business can find itself shutting its doors if it is not able to manage it's cash flow needs.
Below are 4 financial metrics, which if understood and monitored regularly, can actually help improve your business' cash flow:

The Many Hats of Self Employment
Being self employed comes with many benefits. You can sleep in, work in your pyjamas and go shopping in the middle of the day. You no longer have to report to a boss who doesn't really understand what you do or deal with mindless workplace politics. It all sounds wonderful, but unfortunately there are also many challenges. Small business owners have to deal with uncertainty and risk. They need to be disciplined and deal with the many demands that being self employed can impose upon us. In the early stages of self employment, most of us have to take on the responsiblity of fulfilling the administrative functions that you find in a more established business. Some of the skills that you need to develop are: