Guidelines For Deducting Conference and Training Expenses
Attending conferences and investing in ongoing training can be a great way for small business owners and the self employed to keep current on industry developments, ensure ongoing professional development and improve their skills. It also allows for networking opportunities and occasionally includes trips to exotic locations, which can be a welcome change in environment from working at your office. As an added bonus ,the cost of conferences, conventions and seminars as well as corresponding travel expenses are deductible against your business income, subject to specific guidelines.

Why you should register for CRA and RQ My Business Account (and how to do it)
With all data moving to the cloud these days and ubiquitous online access to banking, customer and supplier portals, it makes sense that Revenue Canada (CRA) and Revenue Quebec (RQ) have followed suit. Considerable resources have been spent by the revenue agencies on developing their online portals and encouraging both individual taxpayers and businesses to move the majority of their tax related interactions online (almost every accountant conference has an appearance by a CRA representative talking about the improvements to their online portal and imploring accountants to convince their clients to make the switch). The upfront investment has resulted in significant cost savings for CRA/RQ (postage costs alone have dropped dramatically) while improving accuracy and perhaps most importantly increasing the effectiveness of tax collection efforts. CRA personnel have been able to move away from verifying calculations and manually reviewing tax returns to more value added analysis which has allowed them to identify tax miscreants with higher accuracy.
For both the individual taxpayer and small business owner there are numerous benefits to registering online: