8 Inexpensive Ways to Market Your Services

One of the most daunting aspects of starting a new small service based business is building a client base (and nothing is quite so exciting as getting those first few clients). When trying to generate new business, it is important to cast a wide net as you never know where potential clients may be lurking.  Once you have established your business, you will discover the methods that work best for you and you can finesse your marketing strategy. You can also choose to be more selective as you determine which type of client is the best fit for your business.

There are many ways to build a client base, even with limited resources, some of which are discussed below:

Word of Mouth: 

The most powerful recommendation usually comes from someone you know. When starting your new business, you should inform family, friends, former colleagues and even acquaintances (where appropriate) about your new business venture, let them know that you are taking on new clients and inform them of the best way to reach you. It is important to make it as easy as possible for them to advocate on your behalf. You also want to effectively communicate your abilities as an expert in your field so that they feel comfortable making the recommendation.


Anyone starting a business these days should have a website. This need not be expensive - there are numerous free software like WordPress or low cost website builders like Squarespace and Wix. You will need to pay for web hosting , however most webhosts will come with free access to website building tools.  The website does not have to be fancy; you just need to succinctly  communicate your services, expertise, and contact information in an aesthetically pleasing way.  You should try to use keywords, as naturally as possible, that will capture the audience that you are trying to reach by ranking in search queries.

Maintaining a regular blog is another way to get exposure for your business. It demonstrates your expertise and also increases the likelihood that someone will find you in search engines. I would recommend that if you are planning to start a blog, to have a strategy to ensure that it is updated regularly, as having a blog that seems abandoned may actually hurt your brand.

You can see our blog on the top 25 Canadian business blogs on Feedspot.

Faceboook/Linkedin/Google Business Pages: 

Setting up a Google, LinkedIn or Facebook business page is very simple and can be a good way to  communicate with new and existing clients. A Google business page specifically can go a long way to helping your rank locally for your chosen business type. Facebook and Linkedin Pages can be used to promote useful information about your business.


One of the key ways of building an engaged audience for your services and brand is to send out periodic newsletters. This allows you to connect with potential customers directly. The more frequently you provide them with valuable information, the better they will feel that they know you and the more inclined they will be to hire you. To send out newsletters, you need people to agree to give you their email address and send them marketing materials. This can be done by using a sign up form on your website or creating a free download that your intended clientele will find valuable. You can also use advertising to reach out to them.

Networking Groups:

There have never been more ways to network with potential clients. There are numerous Facebook , LinkedIn or Reddit groups out there that either have potential clients or an engaged group of people who discuss the trials and tribulations of running similar businesses. You could join a local neighbourhood Facebook group where people often ask for recommendations of cleaning ladies, hairdressers, accountants etc. The most important thing about being part of a group is to provide valuable input without shilling your services.

You can also join a networking group that meets in person. The most popular place to find these types of group is by going to Meetup and simply searching for the type of group you are looking for. Joining a networking group can be a fun way to meet diverse people, use your business cards, share business building stories and generate some business. 

Community/Alternative/Transit/University/Online Newspaper:

Advertising in various smaller publications, whether it be classifieds or block ads, can be fairly inexpensive. The readership should be assessed to determine which publication best reaches your target market.

A weekly posting under the appropriate category at Craigslist and Kijiji is a simple and free way to bring in new clients.  The ads should catchy and compelling, and ideally link to your website. The downside with this method is that there are often scammers and tire kickers who frequent these groups so finding solid paying clients might be a bit more difficult.

Social media:

Using social media is a great way to build an audience of potential clients. The number of people who use some form of social media is vast and the reach is limitless. Learning how to use social media for most people is a learned skill (which is why many outsource this). It is important to have an understanding of what you want to communicate, how you are going to provide value to your followers and find the right balance between talking about your services and discussing other topics so that you don’t come off as too “salesy”. The best advice for a business that is just starting out is to choose one or two platforms where you think your ideal client spends time and do some research on the best approach for reaching them. You want to make sure that your message is consistent with your brand. It should also be noted that people are often drawn to authenticity so using your own name rather than a business name can sometimes be a more successful approach.

online advertising: 

Almost all social media services including - Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, Linkedin, Instagram have advertising which can be specifically targeted to a specific demographic, interest, age group and many other characteristics. This can be extremely powerful as rather than wasting money hoping someone who wants your service will see your ad, you can actually specifically target them. You can set your daily or monthly and also track the number of people who clicked on your ad and make changes accordingly. Of course, to convert a potential client into an actual paying client you need compelling advertising copy that will make them want to contact you and a good sales pitch to convert them. It is important to understand your business vision, brand and ideal client when targeting customers.

There are numerous ways to reach clients. Unfortunately, when starting from scratch, these almost always take time. Ultimately, no matter how good the service, you need patience, a healthy savings account and frugality to get through the initial months and understand that it often takes years to find a stable of clients that are the right fit and build a thriving business.

Planning to start a business? Check out our comprehensive guide that will guide you through the various regulatory and financial challenges and help you save time and avoid mistakes that can be costly.

Ronika Khanna

Ronika Khanna is a Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA), Chartered Accountant (CA), and Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA), and the founder of Montreal Financial. As a professional accountant both in Montreal and Bermuda, including roles at PwC and ING, she started her business 15 years ago. Her company focuses on accounting, tax, and financial consulting services for small business owners, startups, freelancers, and the self-employed. As a small business owner herself, Ronika leverages her firsthand experience to offer practical advice and simplify complex financial concepts. She has been featured in media outlets such as CBC, the Toronto Star, and The Globe and Mail and has authored several books to help small businesses with their finances.

You can connect with her via her biweekly newsletter, Twitter, YouTube, and Linkedin.


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